Friday, October 16, 2015

10/16/15....Spent the day with Vikki and Kimmy

Peyton in her cute straw glasses Papa got her

Isaac in his cute straw glasses from Papa

Peyton and Isaac with their babies...they are so good to them

Made Meatloaf, Oven baked potatoes, and had homemade applesauce, squash and cream cheese covered grapes
Well, Kimmy came and I was still in bed this morning.  My alarm was turned off so I didn't wake up at 730 as planned.  Got ready quickly after I heard her knock at the door and let her in.  We had a nice visit and she started fixing my angel girl lawn ornament that Bill broke with the lawnmower.  She is doing a really nice job on it.  Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over too and we had a fun day.  I made egg salad for sandwiches and also cooked some squash.  Yum.  Kimmy went home with Vikki because their Aunt Debbie was taking them and Melissa out to Genji's to eat for their birthdays.  I made dinner and then Bill and I went to see the movie, Woodlawn.  It was a super good movie.  Very inspiring.  One Way, Jesus!!!!!  Hopefully people will go see this great movie and changes will happen in our nation with all that is going on these days.  Sure pray so.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

Haha I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who wakes up to knocks at my door 😜 haha