Saturday, October 24, 2015


                         Kimmy fixed my angel today
Peyton and Isaac playing
Kimmy, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came to spend the day.  Kimmy fixed the holes in my angel Aunt Debbie got us for grandma's funeral.  Bill had hit it with the lawn mower and it had two big holes.  It looks great and I just have to paint it and I can put it back out.  YAY!  Thank you Kimmy.  She also sewed a shirt for Melissa and Sewed Vikki's sweatshirt.  What would we do without our Kimmy?
After the girls left, we ate and went to Bay City to Jim Jonroe's mom's showing at the funeral home.  She passed away unexpectedly.  On our way home we heard that Dennis Ward and Amy in our Bible Study were in a car accident.  Amy was unconscious for a while, her friend Cherl probably has a broken rib.  Both cars were totaled.  Please pray for all of them and for those in the other car.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

She sure is handy dandy Kimmy! It was fun coming to your house always is!!!