Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Love this sister picture of Kenzie and Peyton.

Took Evan up to visit Jack in the hospital.  Happy Jack is feeling good and is happy!

Picked Max up from school and took him up to see Jack.  He was so happy to be able to go see his brother.

Love this picture of these sweet boys!
Packed some things in my backpack to take to Melissa that she needed plus some surprises.  Also stopped and got her deodorant and a stuffed animal. Turns out that she meant to pick up a stuffed animal from the store for them to give Jack ha ha.  I brought one from Hailey's room for Melissa to cuddle.  When she was in the hospital she always had to have Max (her stuffed dog) to cuddle.  I thought she needed one to cuddle while sleeping in the lounge chair.  Silly me.  I went up to the hospital and left the backpack with Melissa.  Visited till it was time to pick Evan up from school.  After school I stopped at Vikki's to take Rody to get her car from the ER as she couldn't drive home the night before.  I showed Evan the hospital Jack was in and he started asking lots of questions and then wanted to know if he could go see him.  I called Melissa to find out and when Bruce asked they said yes.  We went to the gift shop and he picked out something for Jack.  He told the gift shop lady that he wasn't hurt.  Talked to her a lot and told her about his brother.  Everyone we saw in the hall after that and in the elevator, he told them he wasn't hurt.  Guess he didn't want to stay in the hospital.
We went back to my house after that and he watched curious George. Dad watched him while I picked Max up from school.  Hailey went with Ally and spent the night at her house.  Max wanted to go see Jack so we went up and visited him.  They were happy to see each other.  After that we went home and Max got his homework out right away and got at it.  Didn't take him long.  Evan was excited that he got to ride the tractor and pick up leaves with Papa.  The boys spent the night.  I was blessed to find one pull up and came up with stuff that had been Kenzie's for them to sleep in.  I should have taken a picture.  They were very good and went to bed really good too.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Thank you so much for all your help with the kids! And I LOVED my surprises! You are always so thoughtful and sweet! Glad you accidently brought the stuffed animal too... I slept so much better! :) I love you!!!