Thursday, October 29, 2015

10/29/15 Went to church to do my Sunday School lesson

After I got up and got ready and spent time with the Lord, I went to church to do my Sunday School lesson.  After that I went to Ollie's and got coffee pods (80 for $24) Great deal.    Then I went to Kroger's to get some things I needed.   I was excited when I heard Vikki calling me.  She was shopping for a few things too.  After that I dropped Milk off at Melissa's.  I was happy to see her and Evan and visit a few minutes.  Melissa had shampooed her carpets and they look like new.  Looked through a Yankee Candle catalog as Max and Hailey are selling out of.  Should have taken a picture of Evan while I was there.  Came home and had some homemade veggie soup.  Bill had a counselor appt. in the morning and a chiropractor appt. in the afternoon.  Both went well.  Kenzie came over after school was out for a few minutes.  I was happy to see her.  Should have taken a picture of her.   Later, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over for a few minutes.  I was happy to see them too.  I should have taken a picture of Peyton and Isaac.  Sure sounds like I missed the boat as far as pictures for the day went.  At 6:05 we picked up Elaine and headed to the Rescue Mission.  We took the Movie "Facing the Giants' with us to show.  I made 20 bags of popcorn to pass out and Wes and Gayla brought a big container of orange drink McDonald's donated.  We had 22 from the Rescue Mission show up and there were 11 Faith Riders.  Loraine was bringing popcorn too, but it was time for the movie to start and she still wasn't there.  At that time there were exactly 20 guys there and I had made more than she told me and had made 20 bags.  Lorraine got there about 15 min. later and 2 more guys came in, so had enough for them and also us Faith Riders got to have some too.   Everyone loved the movie and had a nice time.  One guy says he's never gotten chocked up by a movie, but he did this one.  Many nice comments.  Wes leaves tomorrow for his mission trip to Belize.  Please keep him in prayer.  Very excited for him as he's wanted to do this for a long time.

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