Monday, April 11, 2016

4/11/16 The girls all came over today. Peyton, Isaac and Max came too. Love visiting with them.

Max, Peyton and Isaac

Peyton got the dog paw toy stuck in her hair so she came for Nana to get it out.

Got up and started making rolls and got lots of chicken going in the crockpot.  Then got ready.  Kimmy came while I was still in my PJ's.  I changed and then we visited for a little bit.  She peeled potatoes while I cut them up.  She is pretty fast!  Such a sweet daughter and helps me so much.  I made brownies.  I am taking a meal to Dennis in our Care group and his family at the funeral home.
His mom passed away.  The girls had fun visiting with each other.  Bill, the girls, the kids and I prayed for Melissa and then for Max.  So blessed to have a family that prays for each other and knows the power of prayer.  We ate salad with chicken on it and soup for lunch an then had fresh fruit cut up for dessert.  Still trying to eat healthy.  Kimmy and I got steps in.  Melissa was relaxing on the couch (which she never does) because her shoulder was hurting.  Melissa left to go pick up kids and then Kimmy left shortly after.  I mashed the potatoes, shredded the chicken breasts, and cooked the corn and then packed it up and Bill and I took it to the funeral home.  Dennis and his brothers, sisters, uncle and niece and family were so happy to have the food.  We visited for a while with the family and some friends from our church, then left to come home and eat.  We did our Bible study lesson and watched a movie.


Vikkis Blog said...

Haha that's funny! The dog stuck in Peytons hair LOL

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Dog paw toy, Vikki not dog...silly LOL