Friday, April 29, 2016

4/29/16..more shopping at the Freeland Garage sales

Love this picture of Peyton and Isaac in their new shirts from Aunt Ann

Got this nice card with pictures of baby James from Shannon and Rob today in the mail.  So adorable.  I am so happy for them.  What a gift from the Lord.

Kimmy met Vikki and I at Pat's.  We went to more garage sales but it was pretty slow finding things.  I found a live trap so that was nice.  Came down to $4.  I got a couple of rugs, a Harley Davidson Sweatshirt, motorcycle boots, more surprise bag stuff, and a pair of leggings for Hailey.
We had fun. It rained for a little while and was cold, but by the end of the day, the sun was shining and it was nice.  Warmed up a lot.  Bill went to his appt. in Detroit for his leg that had the last knee surgery.  Charlie went with him.  He got a good report praise God.  He got home at 4pm.  I came home and we went to the Sports Zone for the fish dinner.  Wes, Gayla, Joel, Louise, Gary and Dorthy, Nancy and Randy French and her dad, plus Jim and Letha, Randy and Anna Louis, were there. The perch was delicious and so was everything else.  We had a very nice time.  Joel got a new off road vehicle today.  He will have fun riding in that.  Came home and watched a movie, then off to bed!

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