Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday, 10./7/24, met with volunteers and leader at 8, our assigned job was cleaning the youth center and setting up 100 chairs, walked to camper and had lunch, went for a super fun trike ride, ice Cream at Sonic, relaxed, Bill grilled sirloin burgers,

Bill mopping the floor after sweeping it.  He set the chairs up while waiting for me to sweep away all the spider webs and cob webs that were in that huge garage door. Some little buggers we’re still alive. I also swept the edges of the room and made sure to get any webs.  I prayed for all the kids that would be coming to CMA Colors Rally.  We are expecting God to do great things!
Bill is too funny wearing his camera glasses over his regular glasses
Probably the scariest road we road on during our ride.  There was the road and then it dropped off with no shoulder.  There were hills where I felt my tummy wiggle like on a roller coaster. Lots of curves too!
Just a picture of the same road
It only got to 82 today, but these cows look like the love cooling off in the water
Just about to enter Oklahoma!!!
Beautiful scenery on our ride
Our sweet ending…I had a banana split and Bill had a banana fudge sundae at Sonic’s

In the morning at 8, we walked down to the Volunteer meeting.  After we listened, Bill told John we would clean the youth center if no one else had asked to do it.  He unlocked it and gave us some instructions.  After we finished, we walked back to our camper and relaxed for a while, then had lunch.
I talked to Melissa, then Kimmy for quite a while and got caught up.
We decided to go for a ride.  The first road was a little scary, but fun.  The other roads we great roads with lots of hills and curves and beautiful scenery.  When we crossed into Oklahoma we both had the same idea of looking for a place to have ice cream like we did when we rode to Texas.  No restaurants, gas stations or anything when we drove a ways, so we had our ice cream in Mena.  Yum was it good.  We relaxed outside when we got home.  Bill grilled sirloin burgers on the grill and I made potatoes and peas for dinner.  We walked around the campground after we ate.  Such great weather today.  
We played two games of cards.  I won the first one and Bill won the second.  They were both fun games. We had to start the second game over because I noticed Bill mixing the scores up.  He had switched our names around from what the first game was.  

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