Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wednesday, 10/9/24, Went to Bible Study, met to volunteer, went to Hot Springs, relaxed outside our camper, met new friends, played 3-13

Picture Bill took of me raking leaves and cleaning out the culvert
Our ride to Hot Springs was beautiful!  82 degrees out!
Hot Springs
Bill…We walked downtown trying to find the restaurant we ate at with Bev, Ron, Joyce and Rod a few years ago.  It was closed.  
Beautiful Bath Houses all down the main road 
Bill and I at Texas Roadhouse 
With our little photo bomber in the picture lol!

 We walked down to where we thought Bible Study was. No one was there.  Then we walked to the Building we always meet at and they told us it was in the Chapel in Hatfield.  We walked back, got our motorcycle and headed there.  When we got there it was standing room only.  A guy offered me his seat but I told him I would stand.  Worship was amazing. They sang Brandon Lake’s song, Gratitude.  Another guy moved and gave me his seat, so I sat during the message.  Jared M. Gave the message and it was so good.  People are so kind here.  We went back to the main building and met   .the volunteer group.  Today we all worked together raking leaves away from the many culverts on the campground.  It was a nice cool morning to do it.  We met Bruce, an area rep. From Tennessee.  He knows Wayne and Lisa who were Michigan state coordinators before Ziggy, than us.  Pam came up to me and I remembered her and her husband’s name from yesterday and she remembered our names.  We hugged over that one!!! We finished our  job, then came back to the camper and read our Bibles.  We relaxed for a half hour, the headed to Hot Springs which is a 2 hour drive.  We were on more amazing hilly and curving roads.  Such a great ride.  We walked downtown which was fun.  We found the restaurant we wanted to go to again but it was closed.  There was another restaurant, but it was closed too.  Then I told Bill I had brought a gift card for Texas Roadhouse.  It was our last gift card we received for our 50th anniversary.  I checked on maps and it was only 10 minutes away, and was straight down the road we were on.  We had a delicious steak dinner.  When we went to leave, we met a veteran who was in the same time as Bill.  Then another veteran came up to Bill and thanked him for his service and he was in the same time as Bill to and his friend came out to talk and he was over there the same time too.  It was so cool and they were all so happy to meet!  

We left to come back to Mena and the road we needed to get on was just around the corner.  We had another great ride back.  We sat outside for a while and met a couple who are state coordinators from Washington State.  I don’t remember their names but they both started with D and she told me I could call them D & D.  Then Leif brought his dog, Boulder, who is an Australian Shepherd over to meet us.  He’s from Arkansas.  

We sat outside and I wrote chapter names down in my notebook as Bill read them to me.  Then we came in the camper.  I talked to Vikki then to Melissa.  Melissa and I were remembering some awesome things God has done for us.  

We  played 2 games of 3-13. I won the first and Bill won the second.  

It wouldn’t let me delete the his double picture for some reason 

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