Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tues, 10/15/24, Adam had his surgery, Wes had his surgery, texted lots with Kimmy, Melissa and Vikki,

.  I was so happy to see a video before which I couldn’t post here and then get a picture after it was done
Jared and Kimmy had coffee and muffins while they played 3-13 while Adam was in surgery.

Ralph and Cheryl’s 50th surprise party after leadership training was done

Picture of Michigan leadership of those at Leadership Training 

 Woke up early. Kimmy was already posting pictures of Adam before he went into surgery.  The amazing thing God did was to have Adam and Wes’s surgery at the same time so they were in the waiting room together.  Gayla sent me a text saying how surprised she was to see them and then added My Framily! We always say we are framily- friends who are family. I had been thinking Adams surgery was going to be in Midland.  It was so nice that they all had each other to be with.  Adam texted me at 10:45 and said ….Surgery all done i get to go home at 11:55!  Wes’s surgery was done pretty close to the same time.  We were so happy to hear their surgeries were successful!  

We went to Leadership training and heard the good news while there and shared it with everyone who had been praying training was very good again today.  They provided great meals for us again today! 

Before we ate dinner, we went and visited Ron and Barb and Bill and Teri in the overflow East campground. A guy who came to meet us while walking his huge dog and a little dog, got pulled over by the big dog and fell. The guys help d him up.  We left and went to eat dinner, then took a few group pictures.  We were all walking to the ice cream vendor on the grounds but they were closed. Katy, Jeff, Bill and I went to Baskens and Robins for ice cream in town. Most of the others stayed here to watch a movie.  There were a lot of CMA friends having ice cream too.  

When we got back to our camper, it was dark. I tried to be really careful stepping up onto our cement patio, but somehow my foot caught on it and I fell onto the cement. At first I thought I broke a rip it was so oainful, but I stood up, Bill hugged me and prayed for me, and the pain was gone.  We sure were thanking the Lord!  We read our Bibles.  Ziggy got here about a half hour later and we had a great time visiting and catching up.  

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