Friday, June 12, 2015

June 12, 2015

Hannah and Joshua Woodward's Wedding...a great celebration! Food was delicious.
Joshua walking down the aisle

Joshua walking his mom down the aisle



Cute boy cousins

Cute flower girls

Here comes the bride....with her father

The groom is watching his bride walk down the aisle....

Exchanging of Rings

Parents praying for them

First kiss as husband and wife

Pretty happy couple

So proud of my three daughters!  Had so much fun with them.

So touching when Hannah danced with her dad

Hannah was Melissa's flower girl when she was she's a bride herself

So Blessed with our family!

Me and my sweetie!
Vikki and her sweetie!

Kimmy and her sweetie
Good thing Bruce couldn't make it.  Looks like there was no room at our small table for his plate Ha Ha!
Slept in till 8.  We got quite a bit of rain overnight and it is still raining.  Praying lots for it to stop before Hannah's wedding today.  Bill and I had to go to Sam's Club to pick up 50 hotdogs for the picnic tomorrow for Faith Riders.  Also got spinach from Sam's, Red Peppers and fruit from Aldi's and dressing from Applebees for the Bavarian Festival when we got to Debbie's.  We went to lunch at Panera Bread since we had a gift card the church gave us for having a care group.  I had a strawberry poppyseed salad and turkey, BLT avocado half sandwich.  It was delicious.  Bill had chicken noodle soup and a chicken salad sandwich.  We came home and I made up sheets for our silent auction we will have tomorrow.  Then got ready for Hannah's wedding.  It did stop raining.  Thank You Lord!!!
Vikki, Rody and Melissa rode with us.  Kimmy and Jared met us there.  Bruce had a garage sale and also watched their kids so he stayed home.  He was missed although our table was small and had just enough room for our plates and no extras.  The wedding ceremony was beautiful and the pastor and his wife from Vineyard in Alma were amazing.  It was cool out so I wore a sweater and the girls had hoodies.  We were pretty cozy at our little table though.  Everything was so nice and the food was delicious.  We always love seeing the Gager family.  It was so fun watching Jessica's kids dance.  Drew was an amazing dancer.  He knew lots of moves and never stopped dancing.  What a cutie.  Nice seeing Melissa and her family there from California.  We love the Gager's!!!  Friends forever!

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