Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015

Papa and some of his boys!  They gave him a nice key knife for Father's Day and a neat key!  Papa was so happy/

The boys made some great cards too.

Papa showing us his key knife.

The boys doing Indiana Jones! Kenzie on her phone in the background

Isaac and Hailey

Adam drawing on his picture tablet Aunt Missy and family gave him.

Eli, Adam and Jacob getting ready to open their  presents from Aunt Missy and her family.

Jacob drawing!


Peyton and Mocha

Kenzie wanted to play Sequence.  Peyton was her helper.  Then She, Vikki and I played 3-13

The wind is picking up and the rain is starting.  Severe storms are in the forecast.

It was around 9:30 p.m. when I took this and it got really bright before a down pour!

The clouds looked pretty strange!
Kimmy and the boys came this morning.  It was so nice to see them after a week away.  They gave Bill his Father's day cards and gifts.  He got a yummy huge candy bar that the boys were very excited about and a key knife that is really neat.  Kenzie got here next and then Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came shortly after that.  Later Melissa and the kids came too.  We visited and had lunch.  We went outside and it looked like a storm was coming and there were forecasts for severe weather so Kimmy headed home to avoid getting caught in bad weather and so did Melissa.  Vikki doesn't have a safe place to go so she and the kids stayed here till evening. I made goulash and we ate, then played games and then we all went to Culvers for Concrete Mixers.  I had coupons.  Vikki and I shared ours with Peyton and Isaac.  We put some in water cups for them to eat.  Kenzie came back to spend the night and go to breakfast with us in the morning.  She used to go all the time with us when she was little.  I put her car in the garage just in case it hailed.


Vikkis Blog said...

Sure was a fun day with my mom and dad! :)

mom s said...

Sure was a fun day with you and everyone else. :)