Friday, May 13, 2016

5/13/16...Kimmy and Melissa worked hard pulling weeds and digging upgrass around the house. They sure did a great job. Dad did the rehearsal for Katelyn and Rocco

Me and Melissa working on weeding and pulling grass along the deck.  Kimmy took the picture and worked just as hard as we did.  These girls are workers.  So is Vikki.  She was working at her Aunt Debbie's.
Katelyn moving the fire truck out of the station before rehearsal

Last week Kimmy and I saw a sparrow going into the bird house on that post.  We cleaned out the nest in it. Today we were bird watching while sitting on the deck and were so happy to see bluebirds in the bird house and on top of it.  Praying the sparrows don't chase them out.  Kimmy was taking a picture of the blue bird on top of it too as you can see.

This is my favorite bouquet ever from Bill.  He got it for me on Mother's Day and today that huge flower opened up in it.  A couple more of them are getting ready to open.  Love the white roses too. He got it at Kroger's and it was the last bouquet left.

Bill and Rocco at the rehearsal.  Behind them are three ladders.  They will have flowers on them tomorrow.

Geanna and her brother walking up

Katelyn and her dad walking up the aisle

Bill doing the Rehearsal with Katelyn, Rocco and Rocco's kids

Neat cross idea for the unity ceremony.  A cord of three is not easily broken it talks about in Ecclesiastes.  Katelyn and Rocco will braid these three rope strands to represent Jesus and each of them.

Firetruck parked in their while they rehearsed.  They moved all the other ones out except this rescue one.  

Finished braided cross
Kimmy came over after she picked up Jacob's birthday present at the post office.  She brought it in to show me.  It is so nice. Jacob is going to be one happy boy.  We went to our church in the truck to help Bill pick up chairs for the wedding.  Pastor Jeff helped us get them.  They were on carts and we just wheeled them up on the trailer so it was pretty easy.  We took them to the fire station next door and dropped them off.  On our way back to our house the old truck bedliner Bill took off which was in the trailer, blew off in the road.  He backed up and Kimmy and I hurried out and put it back in the trailer.  When we got home Kimmy and I went and got safflower seed from the Freeland Elevator.  We split a 50 lb. bag.  The black birds don't like it but the other nice birds do when they get used to it.  Praying this works to keep the yucky birds away.  We filled the feeder when we got home.  Kimmy and Melissa were so nice and helped me pull weeds and grass along the deck in back.  It was hard work and we got a lot one.  They sure are nice daughters to help me like that.  Vikki was at Debbie's cleaning.  We missed her.  We finished and got a little time to relax and visit. We watched a video Melissa showed us of the kids school.  Max is really dancing in it.  He is so cute.  Happy to see him be able to relax and do that.  He was so cute.  I watched it a couple of times on my computer as I could see it better.  The other kids are in it and are really cute too.  After the girls left, we got ready and left for the rehearsal.  We had to pick up some flyers for the Vietnam Memorial Run ride from the people heading it up.  We pulled in the driveway Bill thought was the right one and we heard someone saying hi to us.  It was Kris Hammerbacher!  We were in the wrong driveway and it was hers.  She told us the people lived next door.  We visited with them for a few minutes and then went to the Fire Station.  After they rehearsed, we ate delicious spaghetti, salad and bread.  Then we went to Mooney's and Bill and Sabrina treated everyone to ice-cream.

We had fun.  Stopped at Office Max to get printer ink as our color printer wasn't working.  We only needed Magenta,  Bill was able to print the wedding out how he wanted then with colors.  I gave Mocha a bath and brushed her.  She goes to get her rabies shot tomorrow.

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