Thursday, May 19, 2016

5/19/16 Went to the park with Vikki, Peyton and Isaac

Peyton and Isaac up high

Peyton and Isaac getting ready to run down the hill

Here they go

Cute Lennox loved the water today

Cute kiddos

Love this picture of Peyton and Isaac and the beautiful background

They sure were having fun

Love love love this picture

So cute that I took it from Vikki's pictures

So much fun with these kiddos, their mommy and their doggie

I got up and took my shower and then went out on the deck to eat breakfast and listen to the Bible on my phone and pray.  I was ready to go to the funeral.  Bill couldn't decide if he wanted to go or not as he wanted to work on his bike.  We decided we should go.  We stopped at Kroger and Bill put gas in both vehicles.  We got 90 cents off of 35 gallons so only had to pay 1.29.  We got there and they were lined up out the door.  We waited and the line took you up to the tiny casket with the 10 month old baby in it.  I just cried when I saw him.  He looked beautiful and like he was just sleeping.  Very precious but it made me very sad.  We sat and the service began.  It was so uplifting and a celebration of Jesus letting him be here for the time he was and how he touched so many lives.  Many got up to share and the mother did a worship dance to a song about being in the arms of Jesus and trusting in Him.  I was so happy to see the parents have such a strong faith in Jesus to get them through.  Lots of tears but lots of joy too.  There were mostly black people there and they sure knew how to sing and praise and encourage.  50 people gave their hearts to the Lord!  So happy we went.  The grandpa, Isaac, who we know from Faith Riders gave us each hugs and thanked us for coming as we went out the door. The place was packed full so we were surprised that he even saw us.  We stopped at Applebee's and I had the endless lunch (soup, salads, and breadsticks) and Bill had a burger and fries.  On my way home, Vikki called and said she was going to the park. I met them there and we watched the kids play on the playground for a while, then we went down by the water.  Lennox loved the water so much today and was a great swimmer.  Peyton and Isaac loved putting their feet in.  It was a beautiful day.  We decided to walk around the lake and I realized I forgot to put my fitbit on.  Boo Hoo.  We had so much fun there.  Came to my house afterwards and Vikki went through three tubs of clothes that used to be Kenzie's.  She picked a few things out and the rest I am washing and donating.  The kids played on the trampoline for a while and Vikki through the ball with the chuck for Lenny.  At 7 p.m. Wes and Gayla came over on their motorcycle and we rode with them to the Theatre to see a movie that was only showing one night.  It was about these guys that rode their bikes for a thousand miles in 8 days on dirt trails, through mountains, on highways etc.  They rode on million dollar highway and went to Silverton which were two places Linda and Gail took mom and I when we went to visit.  The guys talked about Jesus and what He did through the movie too.  Came home and had dessert that was left over from Tuesday night's potluck and played a game of 3-13 with Wes and Gayla

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

These pictures are so cute!!!