Thursday, March 13, 2025

3/13/25, raked the other part of the yard with Bill, FaceTimed with Kenzie and Rehvyn, Sat on the swing on the deck, went to Sam’s Club, started fasting for blood test tomorrow, Marie called for prayer

Kenzie sent me these cute pictures of Rehvyn
Such a cute sweet boy
He reminds Kenzie of Papa in this one.  Me too!
Bill raking his section....He blends in with the tree lol
Kit Kat very happy to be on the swing again.  Of course she had to lay on my sweatshirt.  I took it away as soon as I saw her.  Glad she doesn’t shed.  There was no cat hair on it.
Our piles we picked up....we kept the fire going

We read our Bibles first thing, then checked for additional people added to our church prayer list to see if there were any more prayer needs.  We like to pray right away so we don’t forget.  

We FaceTimed with Kenzie and Rehvyn.  He is smiley and on the go.  But we can usually get him to wave.  He is one adorable boy for sure.  Kenzie sent me some pictures she took of him outside, so I put them on my blog.

I texted my doctor and she said I could get my blood test done early and do them both at the same time.  Yay!   I plan on going at 6:30 tomorrow morning, so I can be back home for when the girls come over.

Bill took Max to eat and then to college.  I got the wagon out of the small shed, got the rake and started raking the other side of the yard.  Bill got home shortly after I started and helped me.  Then he raked them into piles and we raked the piles onto a small tarp and hauled them to the fire.  We had about 7 piles.  I took a rest while he raked them into the piles.  I sat on the swing with Kit Kat.  It felt so good to be sitting out there again.  

He had to leave to go pick up Max, so I rested in my recliner.  Marie called after her doctor appointment and was in lots of pain.  Her shoulder bone had moved because she didn’t have her sling in the right position...bummer....she may have to have a cast now, but we are praying she doesn’t.  She also was in severe pain where she had her incision for back surgery a couple of years ago and said it feels weak in that area.  I sure. prayed for her right away.  She doesn’t want to have to go into ER tonight.  She said praise the Lord but in a weak voice, but was still standing firm in her faith.  I am praying for Roy for strength to help her.  They are such a sweet couple.

Bill and I ate spaghetti for dinner, then went to Sam’s Club.  I started fasting at 6:30 for my blood test.  I am going to go to bed early tonight, so I can get up good in the morning.  Thankful the place I go for my blood test is only 10 minutes away.  

I talked with Melissa in the evening and texted with Maddy.  So thankful for loving people in my life.  I am so blessed by God.  



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