Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday, 3/10/25, Went to Menards, went to Walmart, went to Meijer, went to Kimmy’s to take Eli’s present, tried Bill’s new recipe out, Watched Kendall Gray’s You Tube on trapping raccoons

Adam...he sent me a text saying Yay when I told him we were on our way.  He’s so sweet!
Eli with his birthday gift.and Jacob
Adam, Jacob and Eli...Papa and I behind them pretty much hidden lol
Jacob, Adam, me, Bill and Eli
Bill was showing me how you flip it...using the lid....whoops it didn’t work so well
Bill and I made this with a recipe he saw and remembered.  He loved it!  I thought it was OK, but I wouldn’t make it for myself.  
Beautiful sunset

I slept all night again and didn’t have to take any Benadryl during the night.  Yay!  Got up at 8:30 and it was already 36 degrees out and sunny.   I drank my coffee and we both read our Bibles.  After that I went outside and filled all of the bird feeders.  It was 54 degrees and still sunny.  I am really enjoying the nice weather.   I went out to the shed and got the small blower and blew off the deck.  There were lots of leaves that had blown on it with all the wind we’ve been having.  

Bill asked me if I wanted to go to Menards so we went there and I was able to get A Baffle to go over my flat bird feeder to keep pesky squirrels off from it.  I put it on as soon as I got home.  We picked up the bumper to the Jeep at home, then went and took it to DJ.  He’s going to get some rust off from it by sand blasting it, then when it’s ready he will put it on for Bill.  After that, we went to Meijer to pick up oats and pecans so we could make a banana pancake recipe Bill had memorized. Then we went back home.  I called Kimmy to see if we could drop off Eli’s birthday present that was delivered to our house after his birthday.  We headed there about a half hour later. It was so nice seeing them all because Jacob was home on spring break.  It was fun seeing Kimmy’s plants and how much they have grown.  Her pots she made are so cute.  We got pictures with the boys, then headed home.  Bill and I made his recipe, 2 bananas smashed, 1 banana cut up, 2 tablespoons of oats, and 2 eggs.  He mixed everything together, than I sprayed the pan and put the cut up bananas on the bottom.  After that, Bill dumped the mixture over the bananas.  After the bottom was cooked, I watched him put the lid on the pan and flip it.  It didn’t quite go as he planned, and lots splattered out and on the stove.  We ate it.  Bill really liked it so I gave him half of mine because I had way too much.  

We watched Kendall Gray on you tube because Eli said he liked watching him.  We watched him set traps like we got Eli.  Then we watched a movie after that.

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