Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wed. 3/12/25, Seen 1st Robin in our yard, went for yearly skin check, Bill raked some of the yard, Bill took Max to school and picked him up when he was done, Kit Kat caught a vole...good kitty,

First Robin I’ve seen in our yard this year.  Another one was with it, but flew before I took the picture.  Bill raked and picked up sticks today...he has quite a large burn pile.  
Yay! Daffodils are coming up

Lenten Rose is coming too
Kit Kat caught a vole!  She brought it to our front door to show us what a good kitty she is.  I gave her a yummy treat!
Picture from 10 years ago that came up in my memories.  I was reading my Bible and this cute squirrel we called Pete came up and ate by it.  Joel who had a traumatic brain injury from an accident still remembers this squirrels name.  He didn’t remember going para sailing the evening after going, but still to this day he always remembers the squirrels name if we ask him.  That really makes this a very special memory!!!

We each drank a protein drink, then read our Bibles.  I went to Meijer to get nail polish remover as I was all out and my nail polish was half worn off.  I had to go for my yearly skin check, so wanted to not have any polish on.  Bill started raking while I got ready to go to my appointment.  He was still raking when I left. 

While I was waiting to be called back for my appointment, a sweet lady who had shown one of the office girls a funny squirrel video, came way across the room and sat by me and wanted to show it to me too.  She wanted to bring laughter to people.  It was a funny one so she was happy when I laughed.  Then I showed her the pictures of the squirrel that came up in my memories and she thought they were so cute.  I told her he was reading my Bible and just then they called me back for my appointment.  

I prayed the doctor would have wisdom lots before I went.  I wanted to ask him about the medicine Nancy from church got put on that helped her so much.  When he and his nurse came in, I asked him about it and he said right before they came in the room they were talking about that medicine and how it would be a good one for me to try.  I have to get bloodwork done first.  He said his patients on it do great and don’t have side effects and it’s a pretty safe one.  Then when they left and the nurse came back I was going to ask her how expensive it was because Nancy said it was super expensive.  The nurse came in and without me asking said not to be concerned with the cost because there are lots of assistance programs plus they get some free samples so I wouldn’t have to pay much if anything.  I didn’t even have to ask her about the price of it PTL!!!

I came home after my appointment and Bill was resting in his recliner.  I needed that rest after all of his outdoor work today.  He had twenty minutes before he had to go take Max to college.  He was picking Max up something to eat before his class started too.  While he was gone, I made spaghetti.  I cooked some mushrooms and onions to put in mine.  I called Sue to see if she wanted me to drop some off to her and she said yes.  Bill got home just before I had to leave to go to Sue’s.  I also returned my $10 bill from Sue and Kimmy’s $10 bill she sent in the mail for Kimmy.  She knows now that we are happy to make rolls or take food to her without getting paid something.  It was nice seeing her and visiting for a little while.

Gayla texted me and asked if I wanted to go with her to Girls of Grace dance on Saturday.  I’ve gone a few times before and really love seeing this.  The worship music is always beautiful and the dancer’s do an amazing job.  It’s very uplifting to go to.  I am looking forward to going again.  I called Sue to check to see if she wanted to go. She did so I let Gayla know.  Then Sue said she’d better look at her calendar because she thought she had something going on on Sat.  She had an appt. to get her taxes done, so she can’t go now.  I let Gayla know.  Then I checked with Melissa to see if she could go, but she has to pick her boys up, so isn’t able to go either.

Kenzie FaceTimed me today so I got to see my cute lovable great grandson.  I love our FaceTime visits.  Papa got in on it too.  He loves seeing them too.  I talked with Vikki and Melissa for a while, and got some beautiful pictures of Hailey on her Unite Christian group trip today.   These are the pictures.  I know how happy Hailey was to climb this mountain and see the beautiful view.  I’m thankful she gets to go on these trips with close friends.  She is an amazing girl who loves Jesus so much and has so many talents. 

I can just imagine her expression when she saw this.  She loves sunsets and loves mountains.  This is an amazing combination.



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