Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tuesday, 3/11/24, Saw lots of turkeys in the yard, met Maddy at Biggby, went to Warmbier Farms, moved tables on deck, hung swings, went to prayer

Fun watching all of these turkeys in our yard this morning.
That’s the Tom I’m picking out for dinner!!!!
Mason when we laid him on the floor this morning at Biggby...He is such aa good baby.  He turned 9 months yesterday

Brielle with her Magic Milk I got for her mom to take home to her

So funny! When I went to put my leftover tomato soup in this red mug today, I noticed something inside.  It was a $10 bill, a note from Sue and a bookmark.  I got a good laugh because at least 2 months ago or more, I sent chili to Sue in the mug with rolls to go with it..  She really liked the cute mug.  When she sent it back, I put it in the cupboard.  I didn’t realize she had put those things in it.  I called her right away and told her she is getting the money back.  Kimmy has $10 Sue sent her with a sweet note.  She is having me give her $10 back too.  We don’t want money for making rolls for her!  She’s like family!

I was going to get up with Bill at 7:30, but didn’t sleep well last night, so set my alarm for 8:30, at least I thought I did.  I got up and put Kit Kats food out right away, then looked out the sliding glass door and saw lots of turkeys.  I took lots of pictures and kept watching them.  Then I looked at the clock and it said 9:25am.  I was supposed to meet Maddy at Biggby at 10 a.m.  I sure rushed around getting ready as fast as I could.  I left at 9:45 and made it there with one minute to spare.  I even beat Maddy by 2 minutes.  She brought Mason with her today.  I was so happy to see him.  He is a sweet smiley baby.  We took turns holding him and giving him toys to play with.  We drank our coffee and ate our bagel breakfast sandwiches.  We had a nice visit.  I was cleaning up our table and taking the napkins to the trash when a kid next to our table started talking to me.  He was 22 and shared how he was homeless and in a shelter.  He had gotten a job at a pizza place, so had saved up enough money to get an Electric Bike.  He showed me a picture.  I asked him if he knew Jesus as his Lord and Savior and he said yes.  He said he had been in jail 4 times and read the Bible while in there.  I asked him if I could pray for anything for him, and he said yes, he wanted to change and have a new beginning.  I prayed with him, then talked for a few more minutes, and encouraged him to read the Bible everyday.  I love God moments.  I prayed for him through out the day.  Maddy and I left there, and I decided to go to Warmbier Farms to find a gift for my BFF because she is coming here next week and I want to give her a remembrance of her dad who just passed away.  They have so many cool things there.  I found a couple of things.

When I got home, Bill and I moved things on the deck where they go.  With nice weather coming I want to be able to sit out there again.  It didn’t take us long,  I showered and got ready to go to prayer.  I boiled some water and Bill made his Mrs. Grass chicken noodle soup and made dumplings.  I headed to prayer.  It was awesome again tonight.  We worshipped and then prayed over Tina and Chris who go to our church for healing of cancer in the Name of Jesus!  Then we all worshipped again,  and prayed more.  We visited for a while, then came home.  

Kimmy and Vikki stopped over to use the bathroom and visit for a few minutes, after they were done at Vikki’s appreciation dinner for work.  They were sure fun telling about it and getting lots of good laughs.  They left so Vikki could take Kimmy to where she left her van.  

I read my Bible after they left.

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