Saturday, March 8, 2025

Saturday, 3/8/25, Went to Fairh Riderr’s Chapter meeting, went to Ann Arbor, went to, Hockey for the Homeless Spirit Game

Chaplain Elaine sharing at the Chapter Meeting
Cindy drawing pictures with her grandson
Bill in the truck with his Coldstone Chocolate covered waffle bowl loaded with ice cream and toppings.  Mine is next to him.
We went through a car wash.  I’m sure these ducks loved riding through it lol.  Bill has all his ducks in a row!!!!
Bill going through the check in line.  He had a pocket knife in his pocket which he forgot about, so they had him take it out and put it in his Jeep.  Evan and Jack were waiting for their turn to walk through the metal detector.  I just went over to a lady who had me open my tiny Patagonia cross over purse which can’t hold very much.  I didn’t have to go through the metal detector.
I took this picture of Evan and Jack.  I was showing them they aren’t as tall as they think lol.
Our Church Worship team played worship music before the game. They did an amazing job.

Waiting for the Hockey game to start.  Me, Bill, Jack and Evan
Cindy and Lew

Our Church made the Welcome List

 In the morning, we went to Faith Rider’s Chapter meeting.  There was a good turnout.  I had to wear the Birthday Hat and they sang Happy Birthday to me because my birthday is this month.  It was a good meeting with lots of great input and a great message from our Chaplain.  After the meeting, we stopped at Vikki’s and picked up two nice baskets she had on the porch for me for under my end table.  She had a sore throat on and off, so we didn’t take a chance...that’s why the porch pickup.  Thanks Vikki.  We came home, got my car and went to Meijer to fill the Jeep and my car with gas for $1.00 off up to 30 gallons.  We left my car there, and went to Ann Arbor so Bill could pick up a new front bumper for the Jeep.  He really wanted this one, and the guy traded him for the one that had been on our Jeep and also threw in a wench.  Bill was very happy.  We met the guy in a shopping plaza, and afterwards saw a Coldstone Creamery.   We decided to go there.  Our ice cream bowls sure were delicious.  It was sunny out and a beautiful day for a drive.  We got home, read our Bibles, and had 15 minutes to relax.  

We went through a car wash, went to the ATM at the bank, and then went and picked up Jack and Evan to go to the Hockey Game with us.  Wes and Gayla were unable to go because of sickness, so Don had their tickets and they had him give them to us for Jack and Evan.  The boys were really happy about going and we were happy to take them.  Jack was pretty excited that he can make calls and text on his phone now.

When we got there, we were in the red room and our church worship team, played worship songs for quite a while.  They did an awesome job!  After they were done, we went in and found our seats.  Cindy and Lew moved down and sat in two of our seats, so we could have theirs and have 4 together for the boys and us.  Bill and I had hotdogs and the boys had hotdogs, chips, and pretzels.  We all got pops too.  Bill and I split a large pop.  By the 3rd quarter, the score was 10 for the Canadian team and 2 for the Spirit’s.  We decided to leave because of the time change and having to get up early for church tomorrow.  The boys were really sweet and thanked us a couple of times and said they had fun.

We came home and I worked on my blog and Bill was checking posts out on FaceBook.  It was a busy but very fun day.

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