Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday, 3/17/25, 43 degrees as the high today, Bill went to dr. appt., I met Marie and Roy at her doctor’’s office, went to Meijer to get ice cream and a few other things, cleaned downstairs, talked to Marie,

Two geese in our yard today.  One is mostly hidden behind the tree
Goose taking off
Ate my left over meal from yesterday.  So much food.  I still have more left for tomorrow. Monterey chicken and mashed potatoes.  Lucky’s food is so good and you get so much.  Three meals is pretty good for the price

Bill got up before me and went to his dr. appointment.  The shots in his neck didn’t work, so they are giving him a referral to see his brother’s surgeon.  She is an amazing surgeon so we are thankful they referred him when Bill asked.  I got up a half hour after Bill left.  There was a dusting of snow on the deck.  I walked a mile on the treadmill, then ate breakfast.  
So thankful to be walking again.  I cleaned the downstairs while Bill was gone.

Kimmy texted me to let me know the bank is repaying the money stollen out of their Etsy account.  I am so so happy for them.  It’s crazy how people scam and steal from people these days.  

I made a coffee and then read my Bible.  Bill read his later after he got home.  He called me when he passed me going down State Street.  I told him I was picking up some dry shampoo for Marie and taking that and some cabbage buns to Marie.  I went to her doctor’s office and saw their car was parked close to the door.  I went in and said hi to Marie in the waiting room and then Roy came outside with me and I put the things I brought for them in their car.  I went to Meijer after that because Bill said I needed to pick up more ice cream for tomorrow.  I got 8 jars of Meijer spaghetti sauce on sale for $1 each.  Regular price is 1.69,
so it was a good savings.  Kimmy called me while I was in the store to get Fred’s address, so I told her about the great sale.  I also got strawberries for 99 cents.  Kimmy had told me about that deal yesterday.  She also told me Steve the cat was doing good.  Yay!

The girls are meeting Bill and I at Tony’s for breakfast for my birthday in the morning.  I am looking forward to it.  Sue called and wanted to go out to lunch this week for my birthday, but between the two of us, no day was open.  We are going next Monday now.
Gayla called me in the evening and she and Wes want to take Bill and I out Wednesday at noon for my birthday.  Thursday my BFF from Grand Haven wants to go to Frankenmuth to Zehnders to celebrate both of our birthdays.  Busy week of celebrating ahead.  It’s so nice to have so many loving friends. 

I talked to Marie in the evening and she was doing good after her doctor appointment.  Her doctor is having a visiting nurse help her.  She can’t wash her hair herself with her broken shoulder.  I told her she needed someone trained to help her because of her shoulder.  I am so glad it all worked out.  

I heated a couple of Cabbage Buns up for Bill.  In the evening he and I relaxed in our recliners.  


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