Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday, 3/16/25, went to prayer, than church, went to Lansing to meet two CMA couples to plan State Rally, visited Fred and Lourdes, watched a movie

Snow/rain mix....Kit Kat picked this for her spot to lay

I was happy to hear this morning that Steve is eating and drinking now.  Yay!  We went to prayer before church, then went into the service.  Worship was so awesome this morning.  Pastor Ken preached a great message too.  We visited with friends after church, then headed home to pack up the cabbage buns and lemon pie on ice to stay cold for our long day of riding and visiting.  When we headed out it was cool, windy and rainy.  We met Bev, Ron, Sue and Doug at Lucky’s in Okemos for lunch and then to start planning for the CMA Michigan State Rally.  We had a great time together and got lots of planning done.  After we left there, we went to Bill’s brother Fred’s house to visit him and Lourdes.  They were happy about the pie and cabbage buns, and cashews.  Fred is doing so much better after his back surgery.  Still having some pain, but not as much.  He said it was better than his first back surgery.  We were happy to hear that.  Lourdes had a piece of lemon pie right away.  Fred had just ate a chicken dinner from Frankenmuth that he had Debbie bring him so he was full. We visited for about an hour, then left for home.  It was snowing while we were at Fred’s and it snowed part of the way home.  We talked to Vikki and Kimmy.  Marie left me a message she was going to ER.  Waiting to hear how it went.  We watched the movie, In the Blink of an Eye.   


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