Monday, March 3, 2025

Monday, 3/3/25, Slept in until 9, read our Bibles, Bill’s brother’s surgery at 9 am.,Bill went to get water from Shays, I filled all the bird feeders, made goulash for dinner, Hailey has influenza A, and Rehvyn has a fever

Vikki did a great job straightening Jack’s hair that the barber messed up.  
Maddy sent me this cute picture of Mason
She sent me these cute pictures of Brielle too.

So many more buds on my Christmas has been blossoming since Thanksgiving.  Could hardly b believe it when I saw all of these buds coming

 It sure felt good to sleep through the night with no wake ups.  I started reading my Bible and then when I was done went outside and filled all the bird feeders.  It was 28 degrees, but the wind made it feel much cooler.  I was happy to get back in the house and warm up. Melissa called and said Hailey got sick really fast on Sat. evening.  She had to go to the doctor today because she was supposed to take and exam and do her labs today.  I feel bad she had to drive herself to see the doctor feeling so bad.  She has Influenze A they said and wrote her an excuse for her missed class.   Poor sweet girl, she sure wanted to be healthy to take her exam and do her labs.   I found our Rehvyn had a 103 temp. last night and 101 this morning.  I am really praying for him too.  
Bill read his Bible, then we had pizza for lunch.  He went to pick up some water bottles from Shays. Bill’s brother Fred’s, surgery started at 9.  Lourdes gave us an update at 5:15 that they were putting the last vertebrae in and putting the rod in then closing him up.  It was taking longer Thant the doctor thought it would.  We sure are praying for him and so are many others. 

I made goulash for dinner.  Bill had two bowls and I had one.  We were hungry for goulash.
I looked at Costco’s sales and they are going to have the Premium protein shakes we like on sale for $6 off starting March 5.  We will be stocking up on those. 

I got a really sweet text from Cathy for Melissa and I saying she loved our visit.  She also said she can put the new watch band I got for her on by herself.  Yay!  She also said she loved Melissa’s cookies and was thankful she shared her ttestimony, because she said it never gets old.  She is such a sweet friend.

Bill’s brothers surgery took longer then the doctor thought.  It started at 9 a.m. and he didn’t get into recover until 9:13 p.m.  Lourdes was really good about texting us updates.  The last one came a few minutes ago and said they were doing a scan of his back and then sending him to his room on the 7th floor. The doctor said everything went well, she had to be meticulous, and she is happy with the outcome.  Great news!  Now prayers begin for a speedy recovery for this wonderful brother we love.  


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