Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sat. 3/15/25, Hail storm during the early morning hour, made 2 lemon meringue pies, made cabbage buns, walked a mile on treadmill, went out and sat on swing for a few enjoyable minutes,

Had a Flicker visit this morning
Poor Steve is what got caught in Eli’s trap and wandered off.  Sure am praying he gets better fast!
They are taking good care of poor kitty.  His foot is bandaged nicely.
He’s in the house getting lots of attention.
The two lemon pies I made
Maddy sent me these cute pictures of her kiddos

Brielle trying to tell the stray cat to go in her play house.  She loves cats.
Bill walking his mile on the treadmill.  My turn was after he was done.  I got lots of steps while baking and cooking in the kitchen too.

The first picture is the size of the hail early this morning.  I was sleeping and the sound of it hitting the metal roof of our gazebo was soooo loud it woke me.  I screamed Bill what’s that noise; what’s happening to the house.  He didn’t answer, so I looked out the windows and saw it was hail.  I talked to Kimmy in the morning and she told me about Steve getting caught in Eli’s trap.  It made us all sad, but he is getting the best care.  I asked her if they had hail and she said no, but they had lots of wind.  It blew their deck furniture all to one side of the deck.  There was a wind advisory all day in Midland.  We had high winds here, but not as bad.
I was going to make bread dough and realized I hadn’t got the flour I thought I had.  I went to the store and picked some up, then came home and made two batches of dough.  Then I cooked the burger, onion and cabbage so it would be cold by the time I needed it to make the cabbage buns.  After that, I made two lemon meringue pies, one for Bill’s brother Fred and his wife and one for us.  It’s Fred’s favorite kind and we are going to go visit him.  I also am taking some of the cabbage buns for them.  I had Bill taste test everything and he said it was good.  Bill got his mile walk on the treadmill in.  I went outside and sat on the swing on the side of the house without the wind hitting.  When everything was finished, I did my walking on the treadmill.  It sure feels good to be at it again.  Such a wonderful health promoting gift.  

I called Marie to check on her.  Her phone was off the hook last night when I tried.  She said she slept the whole night after getting everyone to pray.  She thought she might have to go to ER because the pain was so bad when I talked to her.  We were praising the Lord together for the good sleep He gave her.  The pain is tolerable now too!

Bill had to work out some matters with a CMA chapter so was on the phone.  God blessed him and gave him wisdom (I sure was praying for that) and the person ended up being really humble and apologized and said he wouldn’t be creating a problem any more.  Thank you Lord for working that out so quickly.  

After I finished walking, I did my Bible reading.  I went through another highlighter, so need to get a new one.  When I was done, Bill and I had a piece of pie.  Bill said it was really good to the last bite.  

Melissa and I had a good laugh.  She had the day of going to Girls of Grace wrong and said she couldn’t go when she could have.  This morning I found out I had the date wrong and it wasn’t today, but is April 12.  Like mother, Like daughter.  

I texted with Maddy for a while in the evening.  I texted some more with Kimmy too. 


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