Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday, 3/7/25, Kimmy and Vikki came over, we went to and Estate Sale, stopped at Chen’s, Kimmy, Vikki and Bill changed the living room around! It looks so nice!

 Kimmy and Vikki came over around 7:40 a.m.  Vikki and I ate breakfast and we all drank our coffee.  I called Gayla to check on how she was doing.  She sounded so much better and said she felt lots better.  We girls went to an estate sale after that.  Kimmy bought a knife and I bought a 5 x7 white picture frame.  We went to Melissa’s afterwards and had a nice visit with her.  She has had a lot going on and hasn’t been sleeping good and had laundry piling up, so she wasn’t going to be able to come over to my house today.   I told her I would take some home with me and wash it for her.  I love my new machines so it was super easy.  It worked out so good because we still got our good visit with her and she got a much needed nap.  She is a hard worker and takes good care of her family.  Hailey felt good today and went on her trip to Tennessee with her Unite Christian group.  I am so happy she can go.

Kimmy and Vikki wanted to change our furniture around in the living room.  I didn’t want them to do all of that work, but then they said they really wanted to and Bill said he would help.  They told me I could go in the other room and take a nap.  That sounded good until I remembered I wanted to get the laundry done.  Kimmy and I also ended up helping touch up walls that needed painting.  When they got done it looked so nice!  What wonderful daughters I have.  It was fun to listen to Kimmy and Vikki talking about what would make Bill and I happy....what lights by our love seat recliners, putting a bigger end table by my spot, and the end table with more storage space by Bill.  I have three very loving girls.  They have passed that on to their kids too.  We stopped at Chen’s so Vikki and Kimmy could get some of Vikki’s favorite rice and vegetables.  It smelled so good on the ride home.  Vikki left some in the container for me to try.  Then I made a lettuce wrap for me with Oven Roasted Chicken from Jacks and cheese.   So good.  You use lettuce to wrap it in instead of bread.  I went to pick Peyton and Isaac up at school so Vikki could help Kimmy finish.  I’m always so happy when they get in the car and I get to ask them how their day was.  I told them they could have ice cream when we got to our house.  I showed them the flavors and they didn’t waste any time getting it.  Such cute kiddos!

I called Melissa to let her know I was going to drop her laundry off.  I reminded her the last time I dropped laundry off, a deer ran into my car afterward.  I prayed this time for God to keep the deer back.  I got to see Jack and Evan, but forgot to take a picture.  Evan was outside when I got there, so he carried the two big laundry baskets in and I carried the little one.  Then he came outside with me when I was going to leave and showed me some of his basketball tricks.  He is pretty talented.  I picked up a footlong Rotisserie Chicken Sub for Bill on my way home.  When I gave it to him, he cut part of it off for me to eat because he couldn’t eat a whole footlong.  

In the evening, we enjoyed sitting in the newly arranged living room and watched a good movie called “The Undercover Angel”.  The little girl in it was such a good actor and so cute.  

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