Sirloin burger, fried potatoes and corn for dinner tonight
It was harder to get up this morning because of the time change and it being so dark when my alarm went off. I slept in a half hour more. Vikki texted me that her throat was still sore, so they were just going to watch on line. Peyton’s throat started hurting too. We got ready and went to prayer, then into the church service for worship. When worship was done, I had to go teach Sunday School. There were lots of kids today which is great to see. We came home after church, and I texted Stacie to see if we could drop Kody’s birthday gift off. They were going to go to the Tangy Crab to eat, so she invited us to go. We had already ate, so I told them they could just stop over on their way home.
When they got here, Kody wanted to go downstairs and see my goldfish in the pond, so Stacie, him and I went down. I let him feed them. He liked doing that. He wanted to play pingpong, but I told him Papa would play with him when he came in. Stacie and I had a great visit while the guys were outside. Kody was so sweet and was so fun to have around. When they came in from the shed, we had Kody open his card with money. He had lots of ideas already on what to spend it on. He and Bill went downstairs to play ping pong. DJ came in the living room and asked me if I had an ash vacuum. I told him yes and he asked if he could use it. I said yes and then he went into the family room and got down and vacuumed out a couple of spots that he thought might be stopping the kernel burner from igniting. I held the flashlight for him and accidentally shined it in his face. Whoops! He was covering his eyes. He vacuumed out the area that goes up under where the fire burns and then I turned it on and we waited. His hands were black from working on it, so he washed up while waiting. Bill was saying I don’t think it’s going to start, but I said I thought it would. DJ checked for heat and it was getting warm inside the burner. Shortly after, it started and was doing great. I was so happy I gave him a big hug. I watched him, so I will know what to do next time. Bill said now he would have to start bring bags of pellets in, and DJ went out and brought a bag in for him. He is also going to put the bumper for the Jeep Bill got yesterday on for us. We are so blessed.
It was so nice out, Bill wanted to take the motorhome to Costco when we took his shirt back to return. It was sunny and a nice day for a drive. We got home and he worked out in the shed and I made dinner. It was yummy. I called Vikki to let her know, Bill is on the list for the Honor Flight for veterans to go to Washington DC and will be leaving June 18th. Our friend, Jim, also got put on the same flight. I am so thankful they are honoring Veterans this way and that Bill and Jim get to go. They will go to all the memorials. Everything is paid for and they provide everything they need.
Kenzie FaceTimed me with her mom on FaceTime too. Rehvyn was so cute waving at us and then eating his Mac and cheese. He’s a good little eater. I called Melissa to let her know dad gets to go on the Honor Flight. Kimmy didn’t answer, but I’m sure she will call back when she see’s I called. I need to see when we can drop Eli’s present off for him to open. Bill’s brother, Fred, returned his call and talked to Bill. He didn’t get his muscle relaxer due to a mix up, so had to go without it for 24 hours. He finally got it this afternoon, so when he called Bill back, he was doing much better. We were really happy to hear that and be able to talk to him.
I did lots of bird watching today. So many birds. Feeders are getting low and will need to be filled tomorrow. It will be 60 degrees so will be a good day to do it. I am watching for our first Robin. Gayla saw one at her house a couple of days ago, so I am hopeful it will be soon that I see one.
I sure am enjoying checking to see what sells on Kimmy and Jared’s Etsy. They have been getting amazing reviews because of the rest quality, colors, beauty for their pottery and their great service. I always check every day to see how they are doing. They are getting steady buyers.
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