Tuesday, September 15, 2015

9/15/15 First night of care group

Love these cute pictures so I borrowed them from Vikki

Fun celebrating Olivia and Pat's birthdays tonight at care group.
Went to breakfast today.  Shared a devotion on whose footsteps are you following and where are they taking you and also who is following in your footsteps and are you leading them to the right place.
Went to Melissa's to drop of a DVD.  Evan showed us his new bed and dresser.  He was pretty excited about it.  It's very nice and very sturdy.  We had a piece of yummy zukkini bread before we left. Thank you Melissa.  Wish I would have taken a pic while I was there.
Got things ready for care group.  Made chicken in the crockpot, baked potatoes and peas for dinner.  Tomorrow I'm making chicken noodle soup.  Our care group was so good and so much fun.  We have Brittany and Nolan, Emily Simmermaker  and Derek, Malachi and Sam Nelson, Marie and Roy, Ron Raptly, Pat and Rich Dudak, Dennis Watkins, Dennis Ward, Amy Howard (Dennis's Girlfriend), Kay Groulx, Olivia Madlock, Jeff and Vikki Eagle.  Next week we have another college girl coming, plus Malachi's home care manager so will have a full house.  We just had a get to know you time where we introduced ourselves and told a little about our families and shared our testimonies.  It was Pat's birthday today so I picked up a cake.  Olivia's  was last week so I put both of their names on it.  It was from Walmart and was yummy.  Someone signed up for every ministry we have in the care group so that is a big blessing and everyone helped clean up afterwards.  It is going to be a great care group and a great lesson.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

Glad you had a good night of care group! Looks like you have a fun group this year! I love that pic of Isaac kissing Kenzie! So glad she takes pics with them...and I get to steal them!!!😜