Monday, September 28, 2015

9/28/15 Hailey had a volleyball game at Holy Crtoss

The boys got right at their homework and finished it fast.

Hailey did great at her volleyball game!

Here she is in action.  She just hit the ball over

Thought it was cute that the three girls in this row had the same kind of shoes.

Hailey sounded so good when she practiced.

Jack having his snack

Max having his snack

Got up at 5:30 so I could be sure to get the kids to school on time.  The got ready so fast, they had a half our to sit and wait.  We practiced memory work then and again on the way to school.  Went to Vikki's after I dropped them off and visited with her a few minutes.  I ran Evan to school for her and took him into his room.  Went back to Vikki's and she, Kenzie and I had breakfast burritos that she had made and froze.  They were so good.  I will be making some of those.  Thanks Vikki.
Came home and got some stuff done.  Then dad and I did our care group lesson and also I did my Wednesday night lesson.  Went to Penney's and then to get the kids. We got home and they had a snack and then started their homework right away.  Did  it petty quickly and then we ate and headed to Vikki's.  She watched them while I went to talk and pray with the Elder's wives.  Went back to pick them up.  Came home had another snack, read the Bible, Prayed and tucked the boys in.  Hailey and I stayed up and I helped her with her knitting.  Then I tucked her in.


Vikkis Blog said...

Max was telling me he couldn't wait til tomorrow. I said why what's tomorrow. He said Nana is making spaghetti and her spaghetti is my favorite! Haha!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Yep, tomorrow is spaghetti day! I love spaghetti too and am excited to be making it,