Monday, September 21, 2015


Hailey playing volleyball at St. Pete's.  She did a great job serving and making points for her team.

Loved watching her play
Hailey in action!

Took this picture after the game!

Took this of Melissa in front of her old school

Got the rooms upstairs cleaned for when the Royce kiddos come stay.  I had stuff on the beds that I have been going through.  Went to get gift cards at Krogers because they are 4x fuel points.  I went to meet Kenzie in the parking lot at Planet Fitness and my car wouldn't start.  I had jumper cables so Kenzie and I were going to jump it.  Kenzie knew how to hook them up.  Just as we were going to a guy came by an offered to help.  My car started right away, but I didn't turn the radio off so it said I needed a code entered when I got in.  I read up on it when I got home and saw that I should have turned the radio off before jumping it.  I had tried to push radio stations and that registered as numbers for the code and now it said code error.  Saw where there was supposed to be a card with a code # on it somewhere.  Looked and found it.  Tried entering it but it wouldn't let me.  I gave up, and headed to Hailey's volleyball game at St. Petes.  Nice to have the kids see where their mommy had gone to school.  Hailey did a great job serving today.  She made lots of points for her team.  When we left someone yelled my name so I turned around.  She asked me if I knew who she was and I told her yes, Nancy.  It was Melissa's friend at St. Pete's mom.  She knew me right when I walked in she said.  I walked in late.  Nice to see her.  Her granddaughter was playing.  I took a picture of Melissa under the sign of her old school. She went from Kindergarten to 2nd grade there.  After I got home, Denise and Paul Nelson came over and we went to His Restoration to show them around.  Ann was there so they got to meet her and they were having a prayer meeting so Bev Wightman was there also.  After that we went to Olive Garden to eat.  We had such a nice visit with this amazing couple.

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