Friday, September 4, 2015

9/4/15. Not as much rain today which we are thankful for

Bill Sabrina, Katelyn, Rocco and kids
Our campers and Rocco's tent.  Bill and Sabrina and family borrowed them for the Rally.

Wes and Gayla 
Our card buddies and camping buddies

Ran to the store to get a battery for the smoke detector, buns and cookies for the snack room.   Had one big downpour and then it got nice.  Dad and Wes spent the day showing people where to park.  Because of the soft ground it is a real challenge for them to find ground that's hard enough that these big RVs don't get stuck. Our camp director is so nice.  He is giving us and Wes and Gayla free camping and a meal ticket for all of our meals free at the cafeteria because our guys are helping. Tonight we had yummy chicken. At 10 this morning we all went and helped unload the goodie trailer. Cohen we unpacked and put out all of the shirts and all the other stuff.  Tons of stuff.  I bought one shirt and a cool fan.  Gayla and I helped straighten shirts after someone would unfold it to look at it.  We set up our motorcycle camper for Bill and Sabrina to use and their daughter used Wes and Gaylas.  They gave us a $25 Mooney gift certificate for letting them use it for the past 4 rallies.  We told them we were happy to have them use it and not to do that again.  Ride in the god cart with Bill a few times, then with Gayla in Wes's.  We played cards in our camper.  Gayla and I each won a game.  The train is here. Thinking of Max, Jack, Evan and Hailey who love it when the train comes. Missing my other camping buddies and Kimmy and her family too.  Thinking of all of you.  Somebody has a birthday tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

Your card/camping buddies sure are cute! Glad your having a good time! We sure miss you!