Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9/9/15 Walked the Rail Trail

Love this picture of Kenzie on her second day of school

Pey Pey doing her special pose

Isaac and Peyton on their scooters just learning to ride!  Got them for their birthdays

Time for a rest

Me having fun with floam with the kids

Peyton and Isaac...this was his first try at a smile

Better the next try

Hailey's volleyball game!

Papa and Hailey

Called Vikki and met at the rail trail to walk. The kids brought their scooters to use.  They did ok, but still need to learn how to steer a little better. Vikki did lots of scooter pushing.  We only went a mile but still had fun.  I went to her house afterwards to pick up Mocha and her stuff.  Visited for a while and played with floam with the kids.  Got to see Rody which was nice.  Came home for a while and did laundry and dishes.  Then went to Bethlehem for Hailey's Volleyball game against Peace.  They lost but it was fun watching them play and eating snacks.  Jack came with Melissa.  I should have taken a picture of him.  After we left we went to Taco Bell and TSC.  Came home and watched the news.  Worked on balancing the checkbook and watched the movie Gifted Hands again.  Very good movie.  So happy to have a godly, smart caring man running for the Republican Nomination.

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