Friday, April 1, 2016

4/1/20.....APRIL FOOLS....4/1/16 really....The girls and grandkids helped pick up lots of sticks in our yard today! So thankful!

Nana and Papa with Adam, Isaac, Jacob, Peyton and Eli

Jacob and Papa

Eli and Lennox

Loved seeing Jacob climb this tree
Isaac and Peyton


Isaac, Peyton and Eli playing pretty pretty princess/ or maybe prince

Isaac and Adam working in the yard


Peyton and Jacob



Adam on the trampoline...he got lots of steps jumping

Peyton and Isaac

Lenny getting ready to go down the slide....He decided to jump off instead!


Jacob and Papa
Went to an 8 o'clock appt for my mammogram.  After that I had to go get a blood test.  Had to fast for 12 hours...nothing to eat or drink.  Picked up some lunch meat, cheese, and fruit from Meijer's.   Headed home and Kimmy came right after I got there.  They surprised me and got me a 6 foot sturdy charging cord for my phone!  Love it.  They sure made me happy.  Thank you Kimmy, Jacob, Adam and Eli.  So happy the boys are off school and could come too.  Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came shortly after.  Papa took Jacob and Adam to Tim Horton's.  The rest of us visited and had lunch.  Then they got back and we all watched a super hero movie.  Melissa called and was at the Henry Ford Museum and asked if I would go let Abby outside.  We finished our popcorn and Kimmy and I went.  Abby got scared and peed when we got there.  Poor Melissa forgot her fitbit and she is getting tons of steps.  Papa reminded Jacob and Adam that they said they would pick up sticks in the yard for him taking them to Tim Hortons.  We all went out and everybody worked hard picking up sticks.  The yard looks great and we are so thankful for all that wonderful help.  Adam wanted to spend the night which is a big thing for him.  I was so happy he did.  We were supposed to go to Detroit for a motorcycle bikeorama so couldn't but will get him soon to.  Bikeorama ended up being cancelled boo hoo.   Supposed to get a 3" snow storm tomorrow.  Wish that was April's Fools!


Vikkis Blog said...

What a fun day!!!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Sure was! Thanks for coming over and for being such a great help! You, Kimmy and the kiddos made the job easy!