Thursday, June 16, 2016

6/16/16 Went to Detroit for Dad's MRI. Afterwards went to see Jeanette Sheler and take her and her hubby out to eat. She just had shoulder surgery yesterday

We went to the Amish Store and Cafe on our way to see Jeanette and Mark

Took this picture when we were leaving after picking up Mocha from Vikki's.  Love Lenny looking out the Window

We left at 7:30 for Detroit.  It was raining out.  We got in a few traffic backups but made it in plenty of time.  Bill  asked me to pray there would be a cancellation so he could have both MRI at one time instead of going back for the second one at 6.  We prayed and then went in the hospital.  We went to the radiology department and they told Bill there he couldn't have the MRI's at the same time.  Bill went back to have the MRI on his back and then I heard the technician telling a lady that her dad couldn't have and MRI because he has wires in the area needing the MRI and there was metal.  They couldn't figure out why his dr. would even send him for one.  Well, he was the appointment after Bill, so Bill got to have both MRI's together.  Thank you Jesus!  I did feel bad for the poor man who couldn't have one though.  While we were at the hospital, we got a message from Gayle Dewey, our state Coordinator's wife from CMA.  She was trying to get people from Faith Rider's to fix some meals for our Rep., Jeanette Sheller who had shoulder surgery yesterday.  We were going to do Sunday, but Bill thought we might as well go there while we were on our way home.  They live in Sandusky.  We went to the Amish store on our way.  I sure wish it was closer.  They had everything and such good prices.  Wish I could have had a cooler to get some of their meat.  Their round steak didn't have any fat on it.  We did get some frozen salmon because we thought it would make it till we got home.  We got to their house at 4:30, visited a while, went out and saw all of their baby chicks they hatched.  They have 60 some chickens, 40 are babies, and they have 3 turkeys.  We went to a Mennonite Restaurant to eat. We had perch and it was very yummy.  We stopped at Vikki's to pick up Mocha on our way home.  Thank you Vikki for always watching her and being such a blessing.
Watched Miracles from Heaven and then went to bed.

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