Tuesday, June 28, 2016

6/28/16. Kimmy and the boys came. It was a cool day starting out, butdid make it up to 70.

Isaac, Eli, Adam and Isaac on a walk with us

Eli, Adam and Jacob ready to go swimming





Isaac and Peyton


    Isaac and Peyton ready for a bike ride

Got up and went to take a shower.  The showers on our little road with the circle
Are the biggest and best in the campground.  I texted Kimmy to let her know it will probably be busy from Thursday on because of the holiday so they came today and are coming tomorrow.  Yay!  She got here and we went for a walk.  Kimmy spotted some wood at an empty campsite so we walked to it.  There was lots so Vikki went to get her car.  We looked up and noticed we were right next to Greg and Nikki's campsite.  Their kids came out and I have Brooke a birthday hug.  Put some wood on their pile too.  Finished our walk and showed Kimmy the Clam screen tent.  Came back and the kids all went to the store and we adults ate.  The kids ate earlier.  We went swing afterward and went for another walk around the campground.  Kimmy and boys left and  Vikki, the kids and I went to some stores.  Got a couple of little birthday gifts for Brooke.  Left them at their campsite as the went home for the day.  Swe cooked chicken, corn and potatoes for supper.  Yum!  Sat by the fire Vikki made for a long time.  Played 3-13 and dice.  Vikki won card game and I won dice.  Munched on some popcorn afterwards 

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