Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, 4/9/19...Went to our breakfast, picked Hailey up from school at noon, had small group

Got to hang out with Hailey for a while today

Went to our breakfast at Sullivan's.  There were 10 of us there.  Had a good devotion and prayer time, plus good fellowship.  Gayla showed me three pictures she took at the Covenant rehab Melissa was in.  They have large pictures of Melissa all over the walls.  Yesterday, Dr. Wringly told Bruce at Track that Melissa needs to go there for a visit because her picture is plastered all over the place.  Now we really want to go back to visit.  They took lots of pictures and interviewed Melissa while she was in there and said they would be putting some up.  They also have one on the fourth floor.  I got my lesson finished and studied, and did some cleaning.  At noon, I picked Hailey up from school.  She had a practice SAT test today.  She helped me take pop cans back.  We went to Meijer, and that's where we are going from now on.  It was so quick.  The cans didn't come back after sticking them in, no errors for hands being too far in.  It was easy breezy.  The only problem we had is that the receipt wouldn't print because it was out of paper.  The girl came to help us and we were out of there quickly.  So much better than Kroger's.  We went to Taco Bell after that.  Fun hanging out with Hailey.  We went to her house and spent time with Melissa for a while. Abby looks cute with her haircut.  Hailey and I always joke around that Abby likes us better than the other and call her to see who she comes to.  Took Melissa a couple of little prayer books I picked up for her...the Power of a Praying Wife, and The Power of a Praying Parent.  I was telling her how much Bill and I like ours, so she said she would like some.  Small group went well.  Everyone was there and there was lots of good discussion.  Love how everyone has their lesson done ahead of time.  My Amaryllis toppled over today.  It got too tall and heavy.  I had just commented a while before that I should get rid of it before if fell over because it was leaning.  I was glad all the dirt stayed in the pot and it wasn't a mess.

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