Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, 4/5/19...Took Hailey to school, Took Melissa to therapy, Went to Frankenmuth for wedding Bill did, Dinner with Debbie and Jeff


Bill getting ready to do the wedding

Mary and James getting married.  He's a policeman in Frankenmuth

Bill and I walking around Park Place in Frankenmuth

4 huge blossoms opened up, one still opening.  What an amazing flower
I woke Hailey up at 6:30.  I made her pancakes and was surprised when she told me she eats them plain with nothing on them just like Bill.  I played Elevation worship on the TV while she was eating.  We packed a snack for her to have at school.  She only has a half day today.  Bill went out the door and came back in to tell us the deck was icy.  We left a little early just incase the roads were slippery.  They weren't.  I dropped her off and then came home until I had to leave to take Melissa to therapy.  I went to Meijer's and picked up the rest of the things for my hope totes for the Rescue Mission.  Picked up some Easter candy too.  Came home and put stuff away, and then left to get Melissa.  Dropped her off and then hurried home so Bill and I could leave for the wedding in Frankenmuth.  It was at the Prost.  They got married outside by the Gazebo.  Afterward we went in and had appetizers.  They were yummy.  Bill didn't see anything on the menu he would eat, so we decided to go have dinner at Zehnde'rs with Debbie and Jeff Davis.  We had the perch all you can eat buffet.  It was so good.  We had a nice visit and then left for home.  Came home and watched the news.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Cute picture of you and Dad!!! Love it!!!