Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wed., 7/18/19...Went to Vikki's, Got a haircut, Swam, Elaine came over, Went to Vikkis for dinner, Vikki and the kids came for a nighttime swim

Me holding Shiraz...Matthew's dog

Peyton and Isaac

Isaac and Peyton riding their new bikes
Papa and Isaac riding together

Isaac and Papa
Jacob, Adam and Eli with their sheep

Went to Vikki's before my hair appt. to drop off Isaac's glasses he forgot in my car last night.  Stayed and visited for a few minutes and then headed to Catherine's for my haircut.  I went to Jacks afterwards, and Vikki and the kids were there.  We were excited to see each other, even though we just did.  Came home and Bill was working outside in the horrible heat getting everything ready for Gene to run and electrical line out to the pool deck.  I jumped in the pool to cool down and tried to talk him into it too.  He had to go to Home Depot for something he needed.  When he got home he hooked up the skimmer for the pool.  I did some weeding around my plants.  Elaine came over and picked up some stuff for Rock the Island she is taking there for us.  She gave us 2 free tickets and a free parking ticket for Rock the Island.  Bill and I went to Vikki and Rody's for meatloaf, sliced and baked potatoes, green beans and pasta salad.  Everything was super delicious.  Thank you Vikki!
We stopped at Home Depot on our way home and then TJ Max.  Got a pouch with a elastic belt to wear when I walk at SportsZone and at Ojibway.  It's big enough to hold my phone, my keys and a few other things.  Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over for an evening swim.  It was still 85 out so it sure felt good to get cooled down.

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