Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thurs., 7/25/19....Picked up groceries for BayShore, Washed Camper, Car and Truck, Went to Party on McCarty and worked in the booth for Faith Riders.

Bill and I washed the camper
Clean Camper, Bill washing my car

Car wash and Truck wash was open also

Mike, Sabrina, Cheryl and Elaine.  We sat behind our sign to cool off in the shade at Party on McCarty
Me, Eva and Wes

We all met for our officer's meeting.  We had others cover the front table.  Bill, Sabrina, Mike, Cheryl, Elaine, Wes, Luis, and Eva
Don, friend of Mark, Mark, Marti, and Bill

Packed all the refrigerator stuff today.  Kenzie called me and talked for a long time.  Nice to have such a good talk with her. We laughed a lot as we talked about memories.   Lowered the Clam, so I could spray the very top of it and waterproof it.  Put it back up to dry.  Bill and I washed the camper, the car and the truck.  They sure look great.  Went shopping and got what I needed for BayShore. Came home and got ready to go to Party on McCarty.  We took the motorcycle and loaded the banner, awning, tracks, Bibles, etc.  Forgot to bring the candy, so Bill headed back to get it while the rest of us set stuff out on the table.  It was very hot out.  While some worked under the awning, the rest of us sat behind our sign which was where most of the shade was.  We had lots of fun and got food from Maria's food stand.  It was Yummy.  Paster Jeff and his family was there so we visited with them for a while.  Visited with Matt Starkey for a while too.  Watered my flowers when I got home.

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