Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sat.,7/13/19..Stacie and DJ had our family over to swim, eat, ride 4 wheelers and have lots of fun. Kimmy and Jared couldn't make it.

Stacie saying goodbye to Foxy

The kids having fun fishing

Kody and DJ

Bill, DJ and Kody up by the table,  Jack, Peyton, Max, Issac, and Evan on the edge of the pool


Evan, Peyton, Isaac, Jack and Max

Jack, Peyton, Isaac, Kody, Evan

Max, Jack, Peyton, Isaac, Evan (Kody under water)



Isaac driving Evan

Isaac driving Peyton

Peyton and Isaac

Jack driving with Jedi by him


Evan, Kody (holding his turtle) and Peyton

Evan holding the turtle, Kody

Max driving Evan, Jack following behind them

Peyton and the turtle

Isaac and the turtle

Another beautiful day.  I made cheesy potatoes for at Stacie's.  I also made some plain potatoes for Bill, Melissa and Stacie.  We got to Stacie's at 2.  Shortly after we were there, three ladies came to pick up Stacie's rescue dog.  It needed a home with a retired person with no kids.  This lady, her granddaughter and cousin loved Foxy.  It was so nice to see she was going to a good home with the grandma.  After they left, we visited for a while, went out to watch the kids fish, looked at Stacie's Van camper project and then went swimming to cool off.  We had fun in the pool and it felt so good after being so hot.  It sprinkled for a couple minutes then quit.  We ate after that.  Had burgers, hotdogs, and brats that DJ grilled.  Also had cheesy potatoes, pasta salad, and macaroni salad.
The kids rode the 4 wheelers after that.  Boy were their moms nervous and so was I.  Papa got nervous too.  This was their first time driving them.  They survived and they loved it.  Some of the kids went back swimming after that.  We left around 7:30.  We sure had a wonderful time there.

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