Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sat., 7/20/19...Went to Rock the Island and spent the day

My breakfast this morning
Hailey relaxing after she helped me put the Clam up
Marti, Elaine, and Hailey

Luis, Kevin and Mark
Don, Elaine, Marti and me 
Britt Nicole
Mia and Hailey

Britt Nicole

Hailey an Mia

The Drummer of Flame and Isaac
Got up early and got ready and packed stuff for Rock the Island  Woke Hailey up at 7:00.  We took Abby to Melissa's house and let her spend the day there where she is happier.  Hailey spotted M & M's on the table right away and called her dad to see if she could have some.  I spotted pizza in the refrigerator I had picked up the day before and there were two pieces no one ate.  I ate a piece of pizza and some M & M's for breakfast, because I didn't have time at home.  We got to Rock the Island at 9 to help set up the Clam and booth.  Hailey was a great help.  We walked around after that. It was super hot and muggy, in the 90's, but at least there were lots of clouds most of the day.  Our booth was by a big shade tree which was nice.  Elaine, Don, Vicki and Kevin, Mark and Marti, Cheryl, Luis, Bill, James, Vikki, Rody, Peyton, Isaac, Rebecca and her boyfriend, and were all there, besides me and Hailey.  The first bands were too loud and we couldn't make out any words.  Hailey and I ate sack taco's for lunch.  We loved Blanca, Britt Nicole, and We are Messengers.  After We are Messengers played about four songs, it started looking very dark out and Bill said there were severe storm warnings.  We had already packed up, but Vikki and I went looking for Hailey and Mia.  They were worshipping up by the band.  Didn't find her at first, but Ginny showed me where she was.
Vikki headed back to Rody and the kids, and Hailey and I ran and got in my car which I had parked real close.  We got in right as it started pouring.  There were lots of branches that came down.  It took a while to get out of there because so many people were leaving.  After we got home, Vikki called to say she was heading back to see if Kari Jobe was still going to sing.  Hailey and I were just about ready to head back there when Vikki called to let us know she was cancelled because of the bad weather.  Bummer!  Picked Hailey up something to eat at McDonald's and both of us got Frappe's.
We had fun going through old pictures of BayShore Family Camp through the years.  She has gone since she was a baby 7 mos. old. Lots of great memories to look back at.

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