Saturday, July 6, 2019

Sat.,7/6/19...Kimmy and family came up, Vikki and family were here, Melissa and family had a reunion so couldn't make it. Great 4th of July celebration.

Peyton in her hammock

Isaac in his hammock

Eli in his hammock, Peyton above him in her hammock

Jared and Adam in their hammocks and Peyton getting in hers 


Adam and Eli

Me relaxing in my hammock

We ate in the Clam.  Vikki and Kimmy ate outside.  They didn't want their picture taken.

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Eli and Peyton

Bill, Jared, and Jacob

Jared and Adam
Eli and Wyatt

Jacob, Eli and Adam by the bear

Jacob glowing in the game room
Adam, Eli and Jacob..we went to the Standish Campground for the fireworks

Peyton and Isaac

Jacob and Nana

Isaac, me, Eli, Papa, Peyton, Wyatt, Vikki, Lucy, Rody
Back row...Jacob, Adam and Jared

Jacob took this cool picture

Jared and Adam 

Got up and got things ready for our 4th of July celebration today.  Peeled and cut up potatoes ahead of time, so when Kimmy and family got here we could just have fun.  Vikki, Rody, Peyton, Isaac, Kimmy, Jared, Jacob, Adam and Eli were all here at the Wilderness campground for the day.  We went on walks, bike rides, went swimming and had a good cookout.  Melissa and her family had a family reunion in Muskegon to go to, so couldn’t come this year.  In the evening, we went to watch the fireworks at the campground in Standish.  They were great.  What a fun day with family.  I love my family!

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