Thursday, August 1, 2019

Thurs, 8/1/19...BayShore Family Camp...another fun day

Isaac practicing for the talent show.  They don't have drums for him to use so they told him to use buckets

Isaac getting ready to play the buckets in the talent show.  He did great!  I was so proud of him that he would go up there in front of everyone and do this.  He is used to playing his drums.  Buckets was a new experience, but he did it on short notice.




Peyton and Isabel.  She was the daughter of the people teaching the Love Language Class.  They were from Midland and her mom is going to start teaching 1st grade at Eli's school.

Great preacher...Matt Hook
Peyton, Isabel and Isaac

Wes and Gayla scooping ice cream
Did Laundry before class. Did Vikki’s after mine was done.  Classes were great again. Went swimming with Vikki, Peyton, Isaac, Max and Jack.  Peyton was playing with her friend, Isabel. We found out it was the daughter of theTeachers of our first class.  She was a really sweet and friendly girl.  Relaxed for a while and Melissa came over for a while. Went to service.  Had a mocha latte from the coffee bar outside and took it in to have with my ice cream.  The teacher from our second morning class sat with us and Isabel sat with Peyton!  Wes and Gayla camevover when they finished scooping ice cream.  We played 3-13 with them and Vikki.  It was my night to win! I had 5 and everyone else had way over 100.

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