Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thursday, 8/15/19...Eli came to spend the day, Vikki, Peyton, Isaac, and Kody came over, Went out with Charlie and Sue

Eli relaxing with his new blanket that he loves


Eli at the light up table at McDonalds

Eli...he has outgrown the play land at McDonalds...He said he was squished

Eli, Kody, Peyton and Isaac

Kody and Peyton doing the splits

Kody with his glow rock egg from Mt. Rushmore

Eli relaxing after he watched the other three kids in the basement.  We heard him say "No, you can't do that".  He did a great job and earned two dollars.  He did offer to pay his dad the two dollars if he would let him stay here
Back in the middle of this field is where the explosion was yesterday

Nice note Bill received from Senator Ken Horn

Thought this was so sweet of him to do

Jared dropped Eli off at 7 a.m.  We sure were happy to have him spend the day.  He was sitting in the family room and I went in to the living room and put worship music on.  Next time I looked, he was sitting in the living room singing.  We told Google Mini to put Worship singers he likes on you tube on the TV.  I love hearing him sing.  He sings so good!  He went to Tim Horton's with Papa and reached in the bag and accidentally ate Papa's donut.  Then he ate his own.  Papa didn't order another one and that's probably a good thing.  We hung out when he got home and then went to McDonalds.  
The play area was packed as we got there right at noon.  We sat out in the other area at a light up table and ate.  We prayed we would get the light up table in the playroom.  Eli went to look and said there wasn't any room still.  He went back a couple minutes later and was excited because the light up table was open.  We sat there and Eli went to play, but they have made it so much smaller and he is so much bigger that he doesn't fit.  He said he was squished and wanted to go back to my house.  When we got back home, Vikki and the kids were there.  They all had fun together. It was raining outside so they played inside.  Vikki was going to watch Eli here so Jared wouldn't have to get out of work early.  He still picked Eli up before Bill and I left to go out to eat with Charlie and Sue.  We all got a free dinner at the Aurora Buffet.  It was delicious.  We had a great time with them.  Shared our vacation pictures and experiences with them.

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