Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thurs. 8/29/19...Went to BayShore for our CMA State Rally

Wes, Gayla and I were driving back to the campground and saw this doe and two fawns on BayShore property we drove by

They stayed there for the longest time while we stopped and watched them

I had to spread Bill's wet papers all over the camper to dry.  The ceiling fan sure helped dry them.

Bill and I got gas at Kroger.  We only had $20 cents off a gallon because we were gone most of the month.  Next month we get 70 cents off.  Went to Melissa’s and picked the kids up and took them to school.  Bill went to get his stress test done.  I packed while he did that. We left around noon.  I drove the truck and pulled the camper and Bill led the way with the motorcycle and motorcycle camper for Barb to use.  We stopped at Tim Hortons which is our tradition.  Bill got coffee and a donut and I got a sandwich and muffin.  I didn’t eat breakfast so I was hungry.  We looked out the window and here was Roy walking very fast for having a broken femur in January and being 84.  He had seen our camper parked so came in to see us.  We had a great visit.  When we got to BayShore, Wes and Gayla had pulled in so we would be facing them and put our picnic tables together!  They are framily!!!
Bill helped everyone find the spots assigned to them.  Wes and Gayla made chicken, and we made chicken.  We all ate together.  Wes and Gayla took me with them to a vegetable stand we had passed on our way to town.  Bill had to stay and help people get camping spots.  We all played cards in Wes and Gayla's camper when he was done.  It poured for a while.  Bill left his clipboard outside and all the papers were wet so I laid them all over. The ceiling fan sure helped dry them fast.

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