Monday, September 24, 2007


Melissa had her surgery today so yesterday, after we met at the Texan with Rich and Jane, Hailey came home with papa and I. She was so very good and just as sweet as could be. She is also very helpful. I thought it was so cute at bedtime when she had a snack and she told me she had to brush her teeth right away so her tooth wouldn't crack like mommy's did. She showed me after she brushed and her teeth just sparkled. She's very organized and the minute she got here she started going thru the food bag to plan the menu. After about an hour she was sitting next to me on the couch and she looked up and said. Can we set the timer now for me to go to Aunt Kimmy's. She has really been looking forward to spending the night at Aunt Kimmy and Uncle Jared's. When we went the next day, we got off the expressway and right away she said, this is Aunt Mi Mi's road. She sure is observant. Today we traded and now I have Max. He has been a very good boy too. It was a very big day in his life today. He was calling me Nanny and I said who's boy are you and he looked up and smiled and said Nanny's. First time I have been able to get him to do that. I've had all the other grandkids trained to do that for quite some time and now finally Max said it. Yeah! Hip Hip Horay!!! Kenzie's friend came and spent the day. They had lots of fun. Played here, then we went and got caramel apples, then off to the park we went. On our way to take her home, we got a call from Bruce saying Melissa was home. We stopped over to see her. She's laying down because she gets a headache if she sits up so we are praying it goes away fast and that there is no more swelling in her back. I was so happy when I got the call that they got the pump out successfully. I was concerned as they have never taken one out before. I have been thanking the Lord today. Bill waited with Bruce at the hospital, and I sure wish I could have been there. It was awful waiting at home, but I did enjoy having the kids. Kimmy made lunch for us all when we traded kids. I didn't get pictures of Max and Hailey today, but I will make up for it tomorrow with Max and then also next time I have Hailey. I can't believe I didn't think to take some of Hailey this morning. Guess I was too concerned about Melissa and what she was going through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. Kimmy