Friday, October 21, 2016

10/21/16....Kimmy, Vikki and Melissa came over for the day! Bill helped Kenzie move some of her stuff and a heavy piano

Lenny likes looking out the window!  He's so cute and such a good dog!

Kimmy and Vikki came over.  We haven't turned on our heat yet, so I handed out blankets.  Bill helped Kenzie move.  He went to help her move a piano first. That made him very tired.  Melissa didn't come over, so I finally called to see where she was.  She fell asleep.  She got ready and came over.
I gave her my electric throw because I knew she would need it more than the rest of us.  We ate turkey sandwiches, hickory stick, crackers and cheese for lunch.  Vikki had a PB&J.  
No problems where the dentist took my tooth out.  No pain and no swelling.  So happy and thankful for all the prayers.  We went to Wes and Gayla's barn sale, but didn't find anything we wanted.  They invited us out to eat at 7.  Came home and did some cleaning upstairs.  Went to Country Buffet a 6:45.  Wes, Gayla, Louise and Becky got there shortly after us.  The food was delicious.  We came to our house and played 3-13 afterwards.  Wes won and Becky was the big loser.  We had fun.  Kenzie came to take a shower and pack some more stuff.  Vikki had a surprise visiter today.  Cole stopped in.  He is such a nice young man.  Very thoughtful and kind.


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