Tuesday, November 1, 2016

11/1/16....74 degrees today....way to start November! Got to go out with Jacob and Adam after school!

Kimmy and Jared's beautiful pottery they made.  Soooo talented!!!
My poor Eli was sick so he couldn't come on our fun day at McDonalds

Adam and Jacob with their chicken nuggets...I didn't realize they had them the same when I took the picture 

Adam having fun!

Oreo McFlurries for dessert.  Jacob wanted M&M, but they don't make them anymore there.

Branches the wires pulled down when the came off the house

Sure a lot of wires for them to come take care of

Went to breakfast, then to VA with Bill for a PTSD class.  After that I headed to Kimmy's.

She had all of her and Jared's beautiful pottery on the cupboard when I got there.  They are so talented.  We visited and also searched for my cousin on Facebook for a while. Looked at a video of my pressure cooker Bill is getting me for Christmas too.  Had yummy salad Kimmy made for lunch and delicious cider.  Went for a walk to the barn and then we were going to walk in the woods but it started raining.  It quit right away, so we decided to continue.  Went to pick up Jacob, then Adam and then Eli so we could go to McDonalds and have fun.  Poor Eli came out of school not feeling well and with a fever.  When we went to Kimmy's house for the boys to put cooler clothes on, Eli threw up.  Felt so bad for him.  I will have to take him next week now.  Kimmy stayed home with Eli, and Adam and Jacob went with me.  They ate really good and had fun.  They are such nice boys.  We left so they could still have time to play outside when they got home because it was so warm and beautiful out.  Went in to see Eli and he was feeling better since he had medicine.  When I got home Bill told me to go look on the side of the house to see what happened.  Well, all this wiring was laying on the ground and branches were down. He said a farmer went by and his equipment pulled down the cable over the road.  He didn't realize that he snagged it until he got to the next house.  He came back and gave Bill his name and number in case it costs anything.   Bill told me it was the Charter cable and we didn't need it.  Well when we went to get on line...we sure did need it.  Nothing worked.  I called Charter right away even though it was about 6:45.  They had someone here by 8 and they worked till 10:30.  Four trucks with flashers came and they blocked our road off while they put the cable back up.  They were very nice.  We were so thankful for the fast service.  Thankful the farmer was so nice and honest too.  Kenzie called and was in a car accident today.  She hit a car and was going 40 mph.  Said her brakes didn't work.  Her air bag went off and she was unconscious. They took her by ambulance to the Midland Hospital and did a CAT scan she said.  Everything was ok praise God.  What a scare.  Praying for her.  Her car is totaled.

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