Sunday, November 6, 2016

11/6/16...Taught Sunday School, Bill went on a motorcycle ride, I relaxed, We went to care group

Bill went to the Army Reserves and preached to the soldiers.  There were 12 their today.  He did great.  It was nice getting an extra hour of sleep, even though I would rather not have the time change at all. Went to church and got things ready in my class.  Paul Nelson stopped in to tell me about Denise and her adventures in Arizona right now.  He is going to join her there for two days and fly home with her.  After he left, Tally Nelson came in and asked me if I needed her help.  I had just finished the last thing, so she just visited with me for about 10 minutes.  After she left, Aleiyah and Livia came in and were talking to me.  I love the Nelson family.  They are all so nice.  We had communion today.  I had 13 kids in my class.   It was a wonderful lesson on valuing others and showing honor.  My kids did great and I had Caleb for my helper which made me so happy.  Joan came into our room and put two bags of candy on the counter.  The kids asked what it was for, so I went and checked.  One had my name on it and the other bag had Caleb's name on it.  The tag said "You bring such joy to the kids" and had almond joy bars in it and kisses.  So sweet!  After class, I went out in the lobby and visited for a few minutes.  Left and ended up right behind Bill's truck on the way home.  He went on a ride with Kevin, Jeff and some other guys from church to Gladwin.  I stayed home and relaxed.  He got home and was disappointed that they didn't stop to eat or at least stop in Clare for donuts.  Good thing I gave him a sandwich to hold him over before he left and when he got home I had meatloaf, baked potatoes and string beans ready.  He was pretty happy about that.
We went to our care group after that.  Had 12 of us there.  Very good lesson on godly sorrow which leads to repentance and giving a true heartfelt I'm sorry when we do something wrong and hurt someone.

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