Friday, November 4, 2016

11/4/16..Kimmy came over...She sure was a huge help to us

Moved the king size bed upstairs.  Looking for a metal headboard now and also waiting for Kenzie to take her deer head and other stuff.  Then we are painting and putting a hardwood floor down.

Bill had a little accident with his shed.  It fell over when he tried to move it dollies.  Kimmy and I were at Kroger's getting a Home Depot card for him to go the the PVC pipes to move it, but he thought he could get it to the edge of the black top his way.  Oops.  Guess not.  I came home and he was out there so I walked out and he asked if I got the pictures he sent me.  I said no.  Then I looked and saw it in person.  Wes was there helping him get it upright.  What a wonderful friend.  So glad it didn't fall on Bill.  Thanking the Lord

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This is how we moved it.  Bill pulled and Kimmy and I pushed.  It worked great 
It is in place to go back into it's spot by the garden as soon as Bill has the foundation ready

It was such a beautiful day.  Kimmy came to spend the day with me.  Melissa had to pick the kids up at 11:15 so she didn't come.  Vikki had to help her Aunt Debbie so she couldn't come.  Kimmy helped us get a futon down to the basement, move a kingsize mattress upstairs and move the shed to the spot we want it.  She worked so hard.  So did Bill.  Kimmy and I went to Salvation Army to drop stuff off I had to get rid of.  We walked around for a while.  Kimmy found a garden planter which was really nice.  We came home and walked out back and saw the fallen shed, Wes and Bill.
We felt so bad for Bill.  Came in to eat lunch.  We had chicken salad sandwiches. 

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