Thursday, December 28, 2017

12/28/17...Had insulation put in the attics today, Took Stacie, DJ and Kody out to eat at Maple Grill

Our attic looks like an igloo.  It sure is warm in there now and not ice cold like it was.  Now to sort through all the stuff and organize it.  This is the attic on the left upstairs

This is the attic on the right

Stacie, Kody, me and DJ

Stacie, Kody and DJ

Got up and got ready, spent my time with the Lord and then the insulation guys got here.  They got it done in a few hours.  Bill and I sat under our electric throws while they worked.  It was actually warm in the attics when I went in them.  How nice.  Should help keep the rest of the house warmer. In the evening, we went to the Maple Grill with Stacie, Kody and DJ.  They were already in line waiting for us so we got to order right away. Bill and I got pizza and it was really good.  Kody got pancakes, Stacie pulled pork on a bun and DJ got a huge sandwich.  It came with squash and fried potatoes that were yummy.  We had apple dessert too.  We had a nice time and a great visit.  Love this family!

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