Monday, December 18, 2017

Sunday, 12/17/17....Bill and I Read the Advent Scriptures at Church, Taught Sunday School, Vikki and family came over for left overs, Went shopping at Kohl's, Sears and Penney's with Bill, Watched Hallmark movies

Happy 14th Birthday to My Sweet Hailey!  I love her so much and am so thankful to God for her and the joy she has brought us.  I am so very proud of her!

Max, Mikayla, Hailey, Melissa, Jack and Evan at Coco Loco's for Hailey's Birthday

Mikayla and Hailey

The Birthday Girl

Peyton and Isaac

We went to church.  Bill and I went in front of the church and read the Advent reading and then lit the candle.  Melissa and her family went to Bethlehem because the kids had something going on.  Stacie was in church and I was very happy to see her.  I taught Sunday School.  There were 12 kids in my class and we learned "That God gave us Jesus".  It was a good lesson and we had fun making ornaments afterwards.  I called Hailey to wish her Happy Birthday and Bill and I sang to her.  Vikki, Rody and the kids came over for leftovers.  We ate and then after that I made more cappicinos.
Vikki left the kids here while she and Rody took the little make up table of her's home.  The kids had so much fun with the claw candy machine of Kenzie's.  They were pretty good at getting the candy out.  They did that for a long time and then we came downstairs and played I spy, Simon Says, and Hide the thimble.  We had lots of fun.  Vikki came and got them and then Bill and I went shopping at Kohl's, Walmart, Sears and Penny's.  We got a really nice Humidifier at Sears.  Our hands are really dry and starting to crack because our house is so dry.  We got home and hooked it up and filled and and by morning I could feel a big difference in my hands. Very thankful.  Watched Hallmark movies!

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