Friday, December 1, 2017

12/1/17 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET GRANDSON, MAX, Faith Rider's Christmas Party

Jack(holding the guinea pig), me, Max(holding Abby) and Evan

Me and my sweet birthday boy who turned 12 today!


Bill did a wonderful job reading the Christmas Story and drawing tickets and passing out gifts.  Poor Bill Smith got his ticket drawn last and he won an empty plastic bag.  Bill always makes us laugh. 

Luis giving the message

Read my Bible, got ready, baked two cakes and then waited to call Max.  He didn't have school today so I wanted to give him time to sleep in.  I called him and I sang Happy Birthday to him.   He was so cute on the phone.  He was excited that papa was going to pick him up and take him to Tim Hortons.  I went to Michaels and JoAnn's to use two 60% off coupons I had for Hailey's birthday gift.  Bill and Max were at Toy'sRus. Bill called me.  I tried to call him back when I was done shopping, but he had already took Max home.  He asked me to meet him at Charlies Philly's for lunch so I did. We had a nice visit over lunch.   I went to Jack's after that to get burger for meatballs.  Bill went to get pop and pick up some groceries I  needed.  I came home and put the pudding on the cake and made lots of meatballs for our potluck tonight.  Vikki stopped over and brought me some scrubbies she got for me from a lady she works with.  She actually came for the table for her bazaar tomorrow, which she almost forgot.  I baked the meatballs and got them in the crockpot.  Right before we were supposed to go decorate the church for the Christmas party, Bill updated something on his phone.  His phone locked and he couldn't remember his password.  It was in his phone that was locked.  He called Verizon and was on the phone with someone who helped him, but he needed his google password and couldn't remember that either.  She had me change it and then it kept messing up.  My phone was ringing, but Bill had to continue being on it so I couldn't answer it.  I told him, I had to leave to decorate for the party.  I was there for about 45 minutes and he came.  His phone was unlocked, but he lost everything.  We had great food, and a great party.  Gayla plugged her Crockpot with squash in it on the island  Lupe didn't know it was plugged in and went to move it to the other counter.  The squash went everywhere.  Everybody pitched in to help clean it up.The floor was covered.  Everyone pitched in to help.  Bill read the Christmas Story from the Bible.  Elaine and Renee led us in singing Christmas Carols.  Luis gave a message for us.  Sue a nice party.  We cleaned everything up and then came home.
Happy 12th Birthday Max!  I love you and I am so thankful for you.  I love how you read your Bible and learn about God.  You have brought papa and I so much joy.  Have a really fun day!

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